Duplicate Contacts Remover

by Sergio Andre Fagundes


not available

A Simple ,Reliable, Must Need Top Rated App.. you will need this app The Name says it all : This app helps you to
1 . Check Duplicate contacts in your phone
2. Visualize Duplicate Contacts
3. Remove Duplicate Contacts by Number (Can handle contacts in 1000's)
- Removes only if same numbers are stored against the same names - Takes care of identifying duplicates by considering country code (like +91 or any) - Takes care of identifying duplicates by considering number format ("-")
4. Remove Duplicate Contacts by Number (New Feature)
- Same Contact Number stored with 2 names ? Choose the preferred name with this option
5. Merge Duplicate Contacts(New Feature)
- On Public demand new feature is added to Merge Contacts with Same Name but Different Numbers
6. Remove Duplicate Contacts by Name (New Feature)
- Same Contact Name in Multiple Contacts with Different numbers? Choose the preferred Name-Number Match7. Remove E-Mail Contacts (New Feature)
- Option to remove email contacts with no numbers. Usually it happned when you sync with gmail multiple times
8. New Feature : Remove Duplicates with in a Contact
9. Option to export cleaned contacts for future reference if you are not will to delete them
---Disclaimer - This app collects Crashes/Exceptions directly from your device to Live Google Analytics through internet so that I can Fix the issues immediatley and keep application working smooth for you,No Personal Data is Collected in any sense. You can reference the need for this here (https://developers.google.com/analytics/)